One of the keys to enjoying your motorcycle in the safest way is to always keep it in good condition. To achieve this good condition, maintenance is fundamental, and one of the key aspects of this maintenance is the brake fluid. At ACMOTOS we are going to teach you everything you need to know about changing motorcycle brake fluid.

What do I need to change the brake fluid of a motorcycle?

To change motorcycle brake fluid you will need a brake bleeding kit, a pipe wrench, a brake fluid extraction syringe, a container to deposit the used fluid, and a bottle of new brake fluid.

In this case, DOT3 and DOT4 fluids are some of the most used, although it is most advisable to follow the manufacturer's instructions. Changing the brake fluid is not a complicated task, you can do it yourself without a problem, however, it is important that you are careful when doing it.


How to change the motorcycle brake fluid step by step

Let's see how to change motorcycle brake fluid step by step.

Remove the cap from the brake fluid reservoir. Usually, this is found near the handlebars. Use the extraction syringe to remove as much of the old brake fluid as possible. As you can imagine, before introducing the new brake fluid you must remove the old one.

Be careful and try not to spill the fluid on the motorcycle, use the container we mentioned earlier for this. Take the opportunity to clean the area well. The goal is to try to eliminate all dirt or residues that could remain to not contaminate the area when introducing the new fluid.

Connect the bleeding tube to the brake bleeder and open it counterclockwise. Now, simply watch as the old fluid flows into the collection container. It is very important that the brake fluid reservoir is always kept full to avoid air entering the system.

Go bleeding each brake caliper or caliper and, once the new fluid, without bubbles, starts to flow clean, close the bleeder. Check the fluid level in the brake reservoir to make sure it is between the recommended levels and you will have finished the task.


How often should the brake fluid be changed?

Now that you know how to change the brake fluid, it is important to be clear about how often to change motorcycle brake fluid. The time that should pass to change the brake fluid of a motorcycle is variable, as it will depend on the use you make of it.

As a general rule, we advise you to change the brake fluid of your motorcycle every 2 years or every 30,000 kilometers, whichevercomes first. The best thing in these cases is to consult the motorcycle manual to see what the manufacturer recommends.

Each motorcycle may require different maintenance depending on the model or power. Following the manufacturer's instructions at all times will prevent you from having any problems when it comes to changing motorcycle brake fluid.

How much would it cost to change the brake fluid of a motorcycle?

If you don't know how to change the brake fluid of a motorcycle, you can always resort to the services of the workshop. If you don't have time, the necessary materials, or don't feel safe doing it, the best thing is to count on the help of professionals to avoid damaging your motorcycle.

Changing the brake fluid of your motorcycle will cost you between €50 and €150. This price includes the labor of changing the brake fluid and, of course, the new brake fluid you are buying. Never neglect the brake fluid of your motorcycle so that it is always in good condition.

